Welcome to Talkin’ With the Sun!


Hey wonderful! This is my first post on my blog, Talkin’ With the Sun! I just want to take this time to explain what this blog will be about.

It’s about everything.

Whoo, glad I got that out of the way! But no really, it really is going to be about pretty anything that pops into my head. I focus a lot on my hobbies and my studies, but I also talk about daily life, fashion, beauty, dreams, goals, inspirations, and a whole slew of other things. OH, and don’t forget food and DIY. We can’t live without those!

I’d like to introduce myself a little bit now. My name is Kimberly Ghorm and I am a college student (which would explain why I’m typing this at the library right now and pretending I’m doing schoolwork). I’m a nursing major with a soon-to-be minor in psychology. I go to Indiana University of Pennsylvania, a big public school, which is a little scary for me considering I can be quite the introvert at times.


That’s me during my senior year of high school. I promise I’ll get up some more recent pictures eventually!

One thing you’ll notice right away about me is that I like way too many things. I can never seem to pick one interest, and so I just devote myself to every little hobby I can get my hands on. I’m a musician, an oil painter, a sketcher, a poet, a song-writer, a story-writer, a science freak, a marching band member, a cat lover, a fashionista (I hate that word but I can’t think of a better one), a runner, and a bunch of other contrasting things. Science and the arts always seem to butt heads in my life because it’s so hard to make time for both. However, I’ve been working on ways to incorporate both in my daily life at the same time. You’ll see a post about that soon enough!

I named this blog Talkin’ With the Sun after a line from the song Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head, by B.J. Thomas. Here’s a link if you’ve never heard it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hziG9Nr6KHU. It’s not my usual cup of tea when it comes to music, trust me. But it’s been one of my favorites for years and my favorite line is, “So I just did me so talkin’ to the sun, and I said I didn’t like the way he got things done. Sleeping on the job, those raindrops are falling on my head. They keep falling.” It reminds me of a point in my life when I decided enough was enough and I finally did something about the rain that kept falling. I’m sure you’ll find out more about that in an upcoming post as well!

That’s all for now, but I hope you’ll stick around the rest of my babblings in the future. Thanks for reading, and I’d love to hear in the comments what your favorite hobbies are, and if any of them conflict with each other.